Natural, organic skin care products are so expensive, right? This is what I always thought before I
turned into that kind of person that only buys natural, organic products. Why pay twice or triple the cost when you have very popular brands that are also packaged nice and priced better?
No reason is as good as health. Organic farming ensures certain harmful chemicals will not be sprayed
on the plants that make the products. Natural, organic skin care products are made with your and the
planet’s health in mind, and the fewer synthetic ingredients that touch your skin, the better. There are
very limited to no regulations on what companies can put in body care products, unless it has the
USDA organic seal, meaning it has to contain 95% of organically grown plant ingredients. It’s
important to know that some companies have been found to use ‘greenwashing’, using packaging to
mislead consumers into thinking a product is more environmentally friendly than it really is. In a time
when people want to know what’s in their products, it’s essential to know where the products are being
sourced and made. Read the ingredients list!!!
At SaiOm Organics, my products are formulated and created right in my kitchen. I have a special set of
pots and pans, and a large assortment of natural, organic ingredients that are sourced from reputable
companies and my garden. I always shop organic over conventional, and my business goal is make
enough income so that I can have all of my products certified organic as well.
When I create skin care products, I often have someone I know in mind. For example, the foot balm
(one of my best sellers) was made because my son had some persistent dry, scaly skin between his toes that just would not go away. A few days with the foot balm and I saw improvement immediately, and now his itchy toes are a thing of the past. #healingwithnature
I find a lot of pleasure in making organic skin care products. As a single mom of two beautiful young
children, I’ve worked hard to make my passion into a full time job. With the help of schooling and a lot
of learning, I built SaiOm Organics from scratch starting in 2019. Product formulation, package design,
website design and maintenance, product photography, sales, marketing, bookkeeping, inventory
control, are all just some of the skills I’ve acquired on this journey of ‘living the dream’.
I hope you enjoy these products, all made in small batches with attention to detail. Please share with me your experiences or thoughts, product suggestions, or just to connect! I’ll be here, making these
products with purpose, with love and intention.
Breathe deep.
Amanda Biederman
SaiOm Organics, LLC